Hello everyone, roar! At my house, all the monkeys play video games. It looks like waste of time to me, roar. Time you could spend sleeping or hunting, roar!
This picture is me in the game Chuzzle. It's like my own disco, roar! I could really pick up the lady lions if they saw me here. ROAR! I am disco dancer lion, roar.
All things are good with family, roar. You might have seen picture of me and my little sister Ren frolicking at her website. I know in that picture it looks like we're having fun together, but don't get the wrong idea, roar. Any second, I could tear her to little pieces because I am fierce lion, ROAR!
Actually we spend a lot of time together and I have been doing good job taking care of her. Roar. With the mice gone, I have had to hunt harder stuff. I caught this wolf in her crib and took care of it, roar. I will eat like a king (a lion king) for weeks. Roar!
That's about it. I hope all you monkeys are okay, and feel free to write anytime, roar. As for myself...well...sometimes even I fall victim to the video games. ROAR!
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