What is up, my homeys, roar! Mr. Lion in the house! Some day when I run your country, I will put myself on your money, like this, ROAR! Then you can all think of me when you are doing your money thing. Lions don't have money, roar. We want something, we take it, ROAR!
Lately I have learned there is mouse in house. House has mouse, roar! As chief lion and wild animal defense expert of house, I am greatly concerned, ROAR!! Something must be done before you monkeys start to think I have gone soft. Well, obviously as stuffed lion, I am always soft, but you know what I mean, roar.
Mouse has eaten some crackers and noodles in cabinets, roar. Mouse also ate snickers bars in box by sofa, roar! Yes, it was definitely mouse that ate delicious candy, and not lion during middle of the night when everyone was asleep, roar. Rest assured about that. I should say, I assume candy was delicious. As definitely creature who did not eat candy, I wouldn't know, roar.
Mouse also left droppings, roar. That is gross, ROAR! Mr. Lion never leaves droppings. It is one more advantage to having lion who is stuffed as your friend.
Anyway, Bob put traps with peanut butter all over house. Let me tell you something about these traps-they can definitely hurt your paws, roar! You definitely don't want to lick that peanut butter, no matter how...sweet and tempting...ROAR! Of course we will not need traps, but just to make Bob feel good, I will put mice I catch inside the traps, so he thinks it is him, roar. He will think I am being lazy and sleeping all night. But I am definitely out catching mice, roar! I'm just so stealthy you can't even hear me stalking. I'm, like, ninja lion. ROOOAR!
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