Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dinner Party Stories

Every year since I bought my first house, we've had over a host of people for a potluck on/near Christmas who for whatever reason don't get to be with their family. It's always a great time with great conversation, and I get a great meal out of the deal. Since we know in particular a lot of young Japanese folk in Chicago through the Soka Gakkai, there's always a lot of people. There have been lots of others over the years, but this year it happened to be mostly Japanese young women. I've put together a full picture set here.

One thing that happened at dinner was we got to telling stories about how we met. This included Hiroko and I telling the story of how we got together, and Yasuko (my mother in law) telling the story of how she and Kentaro got together, and also about my trip to Japan and meeting Kentaro's father. These were all such great stories that I decided I'd better blog about them over the coming days. with everything else going on for me to blog about (or, alternatively get too busy to blog about) I don't know specifically when they'll come, but it's something I hope you'll look forward to.

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